
CREEP at EGU General Assembly 2019

The following ESRs represented CREEP at the 2019 EGU General Assembly in Vienna:

  • E. van Rijsingen, F. Funiciello, F. Corbi and S. Lallemand. How subduction interface roughness influences megathrust earthquakes: insights from analogue models (talk, Mon, 8 Apr, 09:30-09:45).
  • N.R. Sgreva, I. Kumagai, A. Davaille, and K. Kurita. Scale-dependent magma rheology: insights from laboratory experiments. (poster)


BUMPS (Bristol University Microseismicity ProjectS) covers a wide range of research themes concerned with developing a better understanding and exploitation of natural and induced microearthquakes in localised regions such as hydrocarbon reservoirs or mining operations. It is a consortium-funded endeavour emphasising fundamental research and knowledge transfer. The consortium is based in the Earth Sciences Department at the University of Bristol, with collaboration with members of the School of the Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds. It is the continuation of a successful first phase originally based at the University of Leeds.

  • T. Loriaux, M. Kendall, J. Wookey. Fracture characterisation at Nabro volcano following the June 2011 eruption (talk).

CREEP at AGU Fall Meeting 2018

The following ESRs represented CREEP at the 2018 AGU Fall meeting in Washington:

  • S. Preuss, R. Herrendoerfer, T. Gerya, J. P. Ampuero and Y. van Dinther. How Faults Grow (A)Seismically Into Complex Networks (talk).
  • W. Zhou, H. Paulssen, A. Niemeijer. P wave travel time variations in the Groningen gas field caused by reservoir compaction (Poster).
  • G. Gerardi, N.M. Ribe, P. J. Tackley. Plate bending, energetics of subduction and modeling of mantle convection: a boundary element approach (Poster).
  • Meyer,G., Brantut, N., Mitchell, T.M. (2018), Fault Reactivation at the Brittle-Ductile Transition. Abstract MR32-04. (talk)
  • G. Pozzi, N. De Paola, R. Holdsworth, S. Bjorklund Nielsen, L. Bowen, E. Dempsey. (2018), Viscous flow of nano-granular materials lubricates faults during earthquake propagation (poster).
  • N.R. Sgreva, A. Davaille, I. Kumagai, K. Kurita. Scale-dependent brittle-ductile rheology: insights from laboratory experiments (poster).

CREEP at GeoMod 2018 (1-4 October, Barcelona)

The GeoMod conference is a biennial international conference dedicated to the latest results of analogue and numerical modelling in Geosciences. The main aim of the conference is to discuss and present the latest ideas, methods and results of laboratory, analytical and numerical modeling of geological processes.

  • E. van Rijsingen, F. Funiciello, F. Corbi and S. Lallemand. How subduction interface roughness influences megathrust earthquakes. S4 Dynamics of the lithosphere (poster).
  • N. Sgreva & A. Davaille .Thermal plume morphologies in Non-Newtonian yield stress and shear-thinning fluids: implications for plumes originating in the lower mantle. (poster)

CREEP at the Geothermal Volcanology Workshop 2018 (September 2018, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia)

Kamchatka is an active volcanic, seismic and hydrothermal region. Active volcanism is accompanied by magma injections into host structures, magmatic fracturing and the formation of hydrothermal systems adjacent to volcanoes. Engineering study of productive geothermal reservoirs is a necessary condition for their effective use for heat and power supply. Geomechanical analysis of the magmatic fracturing regime with seismic data is extremely important for predicting volcanic activity. It is also useful for analyzing the productivity of geothermal reservoirs and as the analog of hydrocarbon reservoirs development with hard-to-recover reserves. The interdisciplinary focus of this workshop bring together scientists to solve problems which transcend the framework of international borders.

CREEP at 2nd International Geothermal Conference GEOHEAT (September 2018, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia)

The event contribute to the solution of a number of fundamental problems: the development of theoretical issues of geothermics and heat flow of the Earth; establishment of new features of thermophysical processes in the geothermal water field development with supercritical thermo- dynamic parameters; the establishment of geothermal parameters of the Earth crust on basis of advanced experimental technologies (continuous thermal core logging technology, instruments for thermal property measurements at formation conditions, accounting of rocks heterogeneity, as well as micro- and macroanisotropy), and on this basis the geothermal resources revaluation, including geothermal resources maps.

  • B. Martínez Montesinos, Boris J.P. Kaus and Anton A. Popov. “Simulating fluid injection in geological media with complex rheologies” (oral presentation).

CREEP at Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation (August 2018, Andover, USA)

  • G. Pozzi et al,  “A new interpretation for the nature and significance of mirror-like surfaces in experimental carbonate-hosted seismic faults.” (poster).


The 15th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids and the 14th European Society of Glass Conference, which took place in Saint-Malo France from 9 to 13 July 2018, provide an international forum for the most recent developments on the physics of non-crystalline materials as well as present and discuss ways to improve the quality and the performance of glass products in their various applications. The following ESR represented CREEP at this meeting:

  • L. Ding et al, Pressure dependence of density and structural relaxation of glass near the glass transition region (Oral). Pressure and densification session, on Tuesday, 10 Jul 2018, 09:30.

CREEP at EGU General Assembly 2018

This international meeting, which took place in Vienna from 8 to 13 April 2018, brought together scientists from all disciplines in Earth, planetary and space sciences. EGU is a  major platform for early career researchers to present their work and discuss with experts from all Geosciences fields. The following ESRs represented CREEP at this meeting:

  • J. Schierjott et al, Characterising thermochemical piles and their influence on deep mantle behaviour using a grain-size dependent viscosity (oral), Session GMPV2.3/GD3.4/SM4.20 -Evolution of the Earth’s mantle: a petrological, geochemical and isotopic perspective on lithospheric mantle xenoliths, orogenic peridotites and deep-seated mantle domains (co-organized), room G1 on Monday, 09 Apr 2018, 15:45
  • M. Thieme, S. Demouchy, D. Mainprice, F. Barou, P. Cordier.  Stress evolution and associated microstructure during transient creep of olivine at 1000 – 1200 °C. (poster) Session EMRP1.8/SM2.19/TS3.11 – Contribution of high-pressure mineralogy and rheology to the understanding of the Earth dynamics – in memoriam of Harry W. Green II, Monday, 09 April, 17:30-19:00, Poster hall X2, board number X2.42
  • G. Gerardi et al, Boundary-element modeling of free subduction beneath an overriding plate: role of the subduction interface and partitioning of viscous dissipation. (oral) Session GD5.1/EMRP4.19/GMPV2.4/SM4.18/TS9.4 – Subduction dynamics from surface to deep mantle (co-organized), room D3 on Monday, 09 Apr 2018, 09:15
  • B. Martínez, B. Kaus. Modelling crack propagation and fluid injection applied to geothermics. (Poster X4.418) Session ERE3.5 – Numerical modeling in geothermics. Hall X4 on Monday, 09 Apr, 17:30–19:00.
  • G. Pozzi et al, A new interpretation for the nature and significance of mirror surfaces in experimental carbonate seismic faults. (poster) Session EMRP1.3/ GMPV3.5 – Rock Physics and geomechanical characterisation of rocks from the micro to macroscale: fabric, fractures and fluids (co-organized), Hall X2 on Wednesday, 11 Apr, 17:30–19:00
  • T. Loriaux, M. Kendall, J. Verdon, A. Baird, J. Wookey. Field estimates of fracture compliance and implications on rock saturation (poster X2.84). Session EMRP1.3/GMPV3.5/NH3.17/SM2.04/TS2.4 – Hall X2, board number .
  • L. Mameri, A. Tommasi, J. Signorelli, R. Hassani. Strain localization in plate tectonics: the role of olivine crystal preferred orientations in the upper mantle. (oral) Session GD9.1/EMRP4.22/GMPV8.9/TS3.7/TS9 – Long-term rheology and heat budget of deforming and reacting rocks: from laboratory to geological scales, room -2.21 on Thursday, 12 Apr 2018, 09:45
  • W. Zhou, H. Paulssen, A. Niemeijer. Imaging the velocity and the velocity variations of the Groningen gas reservoir in the Netherlands. (oral) in Session SM4.03 – Ambient seismic noise techniques: sources, monitoring, and imaging, room D3 on Thursday, 12 Apr 2018, 14:00.
  • G. Meyer, N. Brantut, T. Mitchell, P. Meredith. Time dependent evolution of elastic properties in fault damage zones: Insights from experiments in Carrara Marble. (oral) in Session: TS5.2/G3.9/GD2.8/NH4.9/SM2.07 – The Interplay between Earthquakes, the Seismic Cycle and Long-term Deformation: Models and Observations on Thursday, 12 Apr 2018, 09:15–09:30 in Room K1.

CREEP at AGU Fall Meeting 2017

Fall Meeting is the largest and preeminent Earth and space science meeting in the world, offering a unique mix of more than 20,000 oral and poster presentations, a broad range of keynote lectures and various types of formal and informal networking and career advancement opportunities. The Fall Meeting of 2017 took place in New Orleans.

  • J. Schierjott, A. Rozel, K.W. Cheng, P. Tackley: Can a grain size-dependent viscosity help yielding realistic seismic velocities of LLSVPs? (talk). Thursday, 14 December 2017, 14:45-15:00, 203-205
  • M. Thieme, S. Demouchy, D. Mainprice, F. Barou, P. Cordier: Stress and microstructure evolution during transient creep of olivine at 1000 and 1200 °C (talk). Tuesday, 12 December 2017, 16:45-17:00, MR24B, 206-207
  • S. Preuss, Y. van Dinther, J. P. Ampuero, T. Gerya, R. Herrendoerfer: How seismicity impacts the evolution and branching of strike-slip faults (talk). Thursday, 14 December 2017, 16:15 – 16:30, T44C-02, 210
  • G. Gerardi, N. M. Ribe, P. J. Tackley: Plate Bending, Dissipation and the Energetics of Subduction: A Boundary-Element Approach (talk). Thursday, 14 December 2017, 08:00 – 08:15, DI41B-01, 203-205
  • E. van Rijsingen, S. Lallemand, M. Peyret, F. Corbi, F. Funiciello, D. Arcay, A. Heuret: How does subduction interface roughness influence megathrust earthquakes: Insights from natural data and analogue models (poster). Tuesday 12 December 2017, 13:40 – 18:00, T23A-0607, Poster hall D-F.
  • G. Pozzi, P. Benson, S. Guerin-Marthe, N. De Paola, S. B. Nielsen, L. Bowen, R. Tomas, R. E. Holdsworth: The transition from brittle cataclasis to viscous flow during the weakening of carbonate gouges sheared at seismic velocities recorded through the activity of acoustic emissions (poster). Thursday 14 December 2017, 13:40 – 18:00, S43B-0853, Poster hall D-F.
  • G. Meyer, N. Brantut, T. Mitchell, P. Meredith: Damage Recovery in Carrara Marble (talk). Wednesday, 13 December 2017, 1o:20-12:20, MR32A-04, 206-207.

CREEP at Great Earthquakes: Observations and modeling

Great Earthquakes: Observations and modeling was a 2-day symposium (30 November- 1-December 2017, link here) organized by Barbara Romanowicz and Yann Klinger at the Collège de France.

Senior CREEP researchers  participated actively to this workshop:

CREEP at AG Seismologie 2017:

AG Seismologie is a working group of FKPE (Forschungskollegiums Physik der Erde, Research Group of Physics of the Earth). The meetings are held annually at the end of September and this year took place in Bad Breisig (Germany) 26-28.9.2017.

  • Angelo Pisconti, Christine Thomas, James Wookey: Probing seismic anisotropy in the lowermost mantle beneath the Central Atlantic Ocean (poster)

CREEP at Cargèse summer school:

EARTHQUAKES: nucleation, triggering, rupture, and relationships to aseismic processes
Cargèse, Corsica 2-6 October 2017

  • E. van Rijsingen, S. Lallemand, M. Peyret, D. Arcay, F. Funiciello: The relation between subduction interface roughness and the occurrence of megathrust earthquakes: A global analysis of natural data (talk)
  • S. Preuss, Y. van Dinther, J. P. Ampuero, T. Gerya, R. Herrendoerfer: Seismic cycle modeling on evolving strike-slip faults: The question of fault branching (poster)

CREEP at BGA PGRiP 2017:

The Postgraduate Research in Progress meeting of the British Geophysical Association is organised every year by PhD students in the United Kingdom and gives postgraduates in all fields of geophysics the possibility to present their research in an informal and friendly environment. The conference is also an excellent opportunity to meet fellow PhD students of the geophysics network at a similar stage in their career.

This year, PGRiP is hosted in Aberdeen on the 31st of August and 1st of September.

  • T. Loriaux, M. Kendall, J. Verdon, A. Baird, J. Wookey. Field measurements of fracture compliance (Poster).

CREEP at Nethermod 2017:

CREEP will be strongly represented in Nethermod 2017 – XV International workshop on modelling of mantle and lithosphere dynamics, at Putten (NL), 26-31 August 2017,  with posters by ESRs and senior researchers (A. Davaille, B. Kaus, N. Ribe, A. Tommasi) and a keynote presentation by P. Tackley (ETH).

  • L. Mameri, A. Tommasi, J. Signorelli, L. Hansen: Mechanical anisotropy in the upper mantle: a comparison between experimental observations and model predictions (poster)
  • G. Gerardi and N. M. Ribe: Boundary-element modeling of two-plate interaction at subduction zones: scaling laws and a geophysical constraint (poster)
  • J. Schierjott, A. Rozel and P. Tackley: Investigating characteristics of detected thermochemical piles (poster)
  • S. Preuss, Y. van Dinther, J. P. Ampuero, T. Gerya, R. Herrendoerfer: Seismicity and structure of evolving transform faults (poster)

CREEP at Goldschmidt 2017:

CREEP is at honor in the Goldschmidt 2017 Paris 14-18 August, with the award to Sylvie Demouchy of the EMU 2016 Medal for Research Excellence for her work on Diffusion of Hydrogen in the Earth’s Mantle & Consequences for our Planet (invited lecture presented on Thrusday 17th at 15h30). CREEP ESRs also participated with posters presentations:

  • M. Thieme, Demouchy S., Mainprice D., Barou F. & Cordier P.
    Strain hardening, texture and microstructure evolution during plastic deformation of olivine at 1000-1200 °C (poster)
  • L. Mameri, A. Tommasi, J. Signorelli, L. Hansen: Mechanical anisotropy in the upper mantle: a comparison between experimental observations and model predictions (poster)

CREEP at Gordon Research Conference and Seminar 2017:

Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA: June 3rd – June 9th, 2017

  • J. Schierjott, A. Rozel, P. Tackley: Toward unraveling a secret of the lower mantle: Detecting and characterizing piles using a grain size-dependent, composite rheology (talk and poster)

CREEP at EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2017:

79th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Paris, France, June 12- 15, 2017

  • Wen Zhou, Hanneke Paulssen: ‘Retrieval of the P- and S-velocity structure of the Groningen gas reservoir using noise interferometry’ – ePosters 6

CREEP at DRT 2017:

Prize for Best Student Talk at the 21st international conference on Deformation mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics held this year in Inverness, UK:

  • Giacomo Pozzi, Nicola De Paola, Stefan B. Nielsen, Robert E. Holdsworth: Viscous Flow Controls Slip Zone Thickness and Weakening during Coseismic slip in Calcite Gouges – Wednesday, 3 May 2017; 16:30 – 16:45.

CREEP at SIP (Subduction Interface Processes):

Two CREEP ESRs presented their research in this workshop in Barcelona, 18-21 April 2017:

  • E. van Rijsingen, S. Lallemand, M. Peyret, D. Arcay: SubRough database: Proxy of Subduction interface Roughness and its relation with seismogenic potential. Part 3 – Application (talk)
  • G. Gerardi and N. M. Ribe: Boundary-element modeling of two-plates interaction at subduction zones

CREEP at EGU 2017:

CREEP ESRs participated actively to the 2017 European Geosciences Union meeting in Vienna, 28-23 April 2017, with poster presentations by:

  • J. Schierjott, A. Rozel, P. Tackley: Toward unraveling a secret of the lower mantle: Detecting and characterizing piles using a grain size-dependent, composite rheology. Session GD3.2/EMRP4.24/SM10.1 Understanding Earth’s mantle with links to geological cycles
  • J. Schierjott, M. Thielmann, G. Golabek, A. Rozel, D. Bercovici, T. Gerya: Can grain size evolution initiate transform faults? – Insights from 3D- numerical modeling. Session TS9.2 Oceanic and continental transform plate boundaries: nucleation, evolution and tectonic significance
  • A. Pisconti, C. Thomas, J. Wookey: Probing seismic anisotropy in the lowermost mantle beneath the Central Atlantic Ocean. Session GD7.2/EMRP4.9/SM10.2 – Anisotropy from crust to core: Observations, models and implications
  • B. Martínez Montesinos, B.J.P. Kaus, A. Popov: Explicits solvers in an implicit code. Session GD8.4/EMRP4.10/TS8.7 – Recent advances in Geodynamics: Computational methods and applications
  • W. Zhou, H. Paulssen: Monitoring the Groningen gas field by seismic noise interferometry. Session SM4.3 – Ambient seismic noise techniques: sources, monitoring, and imaging

CREEP at the Joint Assembly TSG-VMSG-BGA 2017:

Talk given at the annual Tectonic Studies Group meeting, held this year in Liverpool.

  • Giacomo Pozzi, Nicola De Paola, Stefan B. Nielsen, Robert E. Holdsworth: Viscous Flow Causes Weakening in Calcite Gouges Sheared at Seismic Velocity – Wednesday, 4 January 2017; 16:45 – 17:00, Central Teaching Hub, Room B (Session 6: The structure and mechanics of fault zones III)

CREEP at AGU 2016:

CREEP participated actively to the 2016 AGU Fall meeting.

  • Simon Preuss, Taras Gerya, Ylona van Dinther, Jean Paul Ampuero, Yannick Caniven: Seismic cycle modeling on evolving faults: The question of fault branching, – (abstract and poster) – Monday, 12 December 2016  13:40 – 18:00,  Moscone South – Poster Hall. (Session: T13A: Bridging Tectonics and Earthquake Cycles)
  • Jana Schierjott, Antoine Rozel, Paul Tackley: Influence of grain size evolution on the self-consistent generation of LLSVPs from primordial material and subjected MORB, Thursday, 15 December 2016; 08:00 – 12:20, Moscone South – Poster Hall. (Session: DI41C: Structure, Dynamics, and Evolution of Earth’s Deep Mantle)
  • Giacomo Pozzi, Nicola De Paola, Stefan B. Nielsen, Robert E. Holdsworth: Viscous Flow Causes Weakening in Calcite Nanogouges Sheared at Seismic Velocity – (abstract) – Monday, 12 December 2016; 10:20 – 12:20, Moscone South, 306 (Session: T12B Strain Localization in the Lithosphere: From Experiments to Nature)
  • Hanneke Paulssen & Wen Zhou – Monitoring the Groningen gas reservoir by noise interferometry – Monday, 12 December 2016 – 13:40 – 18:00 – Moscone South Poster Hall (Session S13B Reliability of the Green’s Function Extracted from Ambient Noise)

CREEP at Flow in the Deep Earth:

Flow in Deep Earth was a 2-day symposium (1-2 December 2016, link here) organized by Barbara Romanowicz and Patrick Cordier at the Collège de France, which focused on  multidisciplinary approaches to study the mantle flow in the mantle, spanning from geodynamics and seismology to (and through) mineral physics and geochemistry.

CREEP ESRs presented posters on their recent results:

  • Angelo Pisconti, Christine Thomas, James Wookey: Probing seismic anisotropy in the lowermost mantle beneath the Central Atlantic Ocean (poster)
  • Gianluca Gerardi and Neil Ribe: 2D boundary-element modelling of free subduction: Influence of the overriding plate.

Senior CREEP researchers also participated actively to this workshop:

CREEP at the International Sustainability Conference 2016:

CREEP was represented in this conference in Utrecht, in 28/10/2016, by ESR3, Wen Zhou, who presented a poster on

  • Wen Zhou, Hanneke Paulssen. Monitoring of the Groningen gas reservoir.

 CREEP at GEOMOD 2016:

Two CREEP ESR students will attend the meeting close to Montpellier, France and  presented  posters  in session S4- Seismic cycle and Earthquake dynamics. (

  • Elenora van Rijsingen: How does subducting seafloor roughness relate to the seismogenic behaviour of subduction zones? – Wednesday 19 October 2016, 17:30 – 19:00, poster.
  • Simon Preuss, Taras Gerya, Ylona van Dinther, Jean Paul Ampuero, Yannick Caniven: Seismic cycle modeling on evolving faults: The question of fault branching, – Wednesday 19 October 2016, 17:30 – 19:00, poster.

CREEP at EMC 2016:

In the EMC 2016, in Rimini, Italy, M. Thieme presented a poster with the first results of his CREEP project:

  • Thieme M., Demouchy S., Mainprice D., and Barou F.. Experimental ductile deformation of polycrystalline olivine at 1000 °C.  S8. Diffusion, mineral reaction and deformation mechanisms from low to high temperatures: flow and brittle processes of the Earth’s interior, Tuesday 13 September 2016

CREEP at the COST action TIDES conference  2016:

In the COST action TIDES conference in Sesimbra, Portugal, 18-24/9/2016, Wen Zhou presented a talk on his most recent results:

  • Wen Zhou, Hanneke Paulssen and André Niemeijer. Monitoring the Groningen gas reservoir by Ambient Noise Interferometry.

CREEP at SEDI 2016:

During the last week of July, the 15th Symposium of SEDI, Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior, was hold in Nantes, France,

Two CREEP ESR students and some of the CREEP supervisors attended the meeting. Poster sessions and discussions, organized in several topics, were hold every day. The ESRs presented posters on  their first results of their CREEP projects:

  • Angelo Pisconti and Christine Thomas: P and S waves reflected in the lowermost mantle under the mid Central Atlantic Ocean, (abstract and poster), July 27th-Wednesday.
  • Gianluca Gerardi and Neil Ribe: 2D boundary-element modelling of free subduction: Influence of the overriding plate (abstract), July 25th-Monday

CREEP at ‘The origin and evolution of plate tectonics’ workshop

At the workshop ‘The origin and evolution of plate tectonics’ organized by the ETH CREEP members P. Tackley and T. Gerya in collaboration with B. Stern (U. Texas, USA),  in Ascona (CH), 17-22 July 2016, Jana Schierjott presented the poster:

  • Jana Schierjott, Antoine Rozel and Paul Tackley. Influence of grain size evolution on the self-consistent generation of LLSVPs from primordial material and subducted MORB: First estimates on possible pile characteristics

CREEP at EGU 2016:

Four CREEP ESRs – Elenora Van Rijsingen, Philipp Prasse, Jana Schierjott, and Simon Preuss – and many CREEP senior researchers attended the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna in April 2016.

Jana Schierjott, and Simon Preuss presented posters with the first results of their CREEP research projects:

  • Jana Schierjott, Antoine Rozel, and Paul Tackley – Influence of grain-size evolution on the self-consistent generation of LLSVPs from primordial material and subducted MORB. EGU2016-15829, Tue, 19 Apr, 17:30–19:00 / Hall X2
  • Simon Preuss, Taras Gerya, and Ylona van Dinther – Seismo-thermo-mechanical modeling of mature and immature transform faults. EGU2016-11741, Thu, 21 Apr, 17:30–19:00 / Hall X1

Philipp Prasse presented a poster on his MSc project, which had been performed in the University of Munster under the supervision of CREEP researcher Pr. Christine Thomas:

  • Philipp Prasse and Christine Thomas – Anisotropy beneath the Southern Pacific – real or apparent? EGU2016-3423, Mon, 18 Apr, 17:30–19:00 / Hall X2

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