ESR2 – Wen Zhou

Wen ZHOUNationality: Chinese

CREEP host institution: Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Background: I finished my bachelor at Guilin University of Technology in Applied geophysics, and then got master degree in Geophysics at Nanjing University, where I focused on inversion and earthquake hypocenter locating method. The thesis for my master degree is about microseismic location using deep borehole monitoring system.

Research interest: I am interested in co-seismic process research, to monitor this process with seismology method and to do modelling in the laboratory.

CREEP project: 

Within CREEP project, I will investigate the effects of fault rheology on microseismic signatures. My research in the laboratory will concentrate on the factors that control the evolution of slip and slip velocity at the nucleation stage of slip as characterized by the recorded seismic signals. The laboratory results will be compared to records of microseismic activity from oil, gas, or geothermal fields to further investigate the relationship between fault rock properties and the nature of the seismic signal.

Supervisors:  André Niemeijer, Hanneke Paulssen

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