Mid-term Review Meeting & 2nd CREEP Workshop.
On the 13th of February, all the members of the CREEP network will meet in Rome (University of Roma Tre) to attend the Mid-term Review Meeting and the 2nd CREEP Workshop.
On Monday, we will meet the REA project Officer Giuliana Donini and the Research Scientist of the CSIC Francisca Martínez Ruiz in order to discuss what has been done so far within the CREEP network and what are the future expectations. Then, 3 days of talks, poster sessions and scientific discussions will follow and will animate the workshop, giving us the opportunity to meet and to debate in a unique and stimulating environment.
Welcome on board!
The 2nd Workshop in Rome will be also the occasion to welcome the three missing ESRs of the CREEP community: Lucan Mameri, Anna Kätker and Nicolò Sgreva.
Lucan Mameri, graduated from the University of Brasilia (BR) and from the University of Derby (GB) , has just started his PhD project at the Geosciences lab of Montpellier. The aim of his PhD is to investigate the implications of physical anisotropy in the mantle to form new plate boundaries.
Anna Kätker, graduated from the Ruhr University (DE), has just started her PhD project at Utrecht University in The Netherlands. She will work on the role of coupled solution transfer and frictional/brittle processes in controlling the rheological, transport and containment properties of rocksalt.
Nicolò Sgreva, graduated from the University of Padova (IT), will soon start his PhD at the FAST lab of Orsay (Paris-Sud). He will investigate the influence of the rheology on the nature and morphology of intrusions in a deformable matrix.
We wish good luck to you!
Outreach activities
Becoming increasingly familiar with their own PhD topics and new environment, more and more CREEPers take part in diverse outreach activities. Since October 2016 four CREEPers adressed both scientific and non-scientific questions related to the Earth-Sciences and the PhD in general.
Angelo Pisconti took part at the Autumn Academy 2016 for high school students at the University of Münster, Germany. The Autumn Academy takes place every two years and provides insight into the world of physics and scientific research. Angelo trained a group of students, both in theory and praxis, how to use a Ground Penetrating Radar to image Earth’s shallow subsurface. He also took the opportunity of a 40-minute talk to present preliminary results of his PhD to students of the Institute of Geophysics in Münster.
Simon Preuss likewise adressed high school students. He presented the different Bachelor and Master study programs of the Department of Geoscience of the ETH Zürich at the ETH’s study information days – an event dedicated to inform future University students about their possibilities and the individual study programs.
Simon talking to high-school students during his presentation at the ETH Zürich.
Manuel Thieme addresses the organizational and personal challenges of starting a PhD abroad, especially in France, in his website phdfrance.wodpress.com. Here, people who finished their Master’s and think about continuing their academic career, learn what it means to become a PhD and to go abroad – from the perspective of fellow student.
Last but not least, Giacomo Pozzi wrote an article on the Minds over Methods blog at EGU Blogs. He describes his PhD topic, giving an overview of how he uses rock experiments to study fault behaviour during earthquakes. The blog is organized by fellow CREEPer Elenora van Rijsingen.
CREEPers in conferences
During the last few months, CREEPers have been very active, attending conferences and presenting their work to the scientific community.
The American Geophysical Union Fall meetings are well known for being the biggest Earth Sciences meetings in the World. This year, the conference was held in San Francisco on the west coat of the United States from December 12th to December 16th. Such a meeting is always a good opportunity for a PhD student to expose his work and this year four of the CREEPers had the chance to participate actively to the meeting.
Giacomo presented a talk about the weakening of calcite when it is sheared.
Wen attended a Seismo-seminar during which he talked about his work on monitoring the Groningen gas reservoir with noise interferometry to other well known seismologists.
The poster session is always a good opportunity to talk about work and to have direct feedback from experienced scientists, Jana and Simon both presented posters on their latest results.
All our CREEPers had a great time in San Francisco enjoying the Californian way of life and got back to their home university their heads full of great ideas…
With the new year starts a new series of conferences. Giacomo and Gabriel attended the TSG-VMSG-BGA joint venture conference in Liverpool from January 3rd to January 6th. For the first time three scientific groups decided to join their efforts and to organize a mixed conference with various subjects like volcanology, tectonics, seismology or rock physics. This conference was a great opportunity for the CREEPers to learn about their own field of study but also to expand their interests and to discover cutting edge science in other domains. They also brought with them their latest results, Giacomo presented an updated version of his AGU talk along with a very interesting poster and Gabriel presented a poster with his very first data. Of course they also enjoyed the night life of Liverpool, an experience they probably won’t forget.
Finally, Tom and Phillip took part to the BUMPS (Bristol University Microseismicity ProjectS) meeting, on 18 and 19 January. BUMPS covers a wide range of research themes concerned with developing a better understanding and exploitation of natural and induced microearthquakes in localized regions such as hydrocarbon reservoirs or mining operations. It is a consortium-funded endeavour emphasizing fundamental research and knowledge transfer. The consortium is based in the Earth Sciences Department at the University of Bristol, with collaboration with members of the School of the Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds. It is the continuation of a successful first phase originally based at the University of Leeds. They both learned a lot about seismology during these two days.
Bruneel, the UoB Geophysics mascot, dealing with anisotropy issues.
written by: Thomas, Gianluca, Gabriel and Manuel