ESR13 – Philipp Prasse



Nationality: German

CREEP host institution: University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Background: After I finished my Bachelor at the University Hamburg, I continued studying Geophysics at the University of Muenster, where I focused my research on seismology. Besides, I participated courses in numerics, geodynamics and non-linear physics. In my Master thesis I investigated the idea of apparent anisotropy being present in lowermost mantle beneath the Southern Pacific.

CREEP project – Development of seismic anisotropy in deforming salt bodies: The aim of my PhD project is to predict the texture and crystal alignment of halite with multiscale models in hydrocarbon reservoir settings. Salt has in general a lower density than the surrounding rock sediments, which leads to an upward mobility. As a result of the deformation process, effective seismic anisotropy may arise. In previous studies the possibility of anisotropy was often neglected in the treatment of seismic data. Thus, we hope to improve not only the exploration of new reservoirs, but also the recovery efficiency of existing traps.

This work is done in cooperation with our industry partners Rockfield Software Ltd.

 Supervisors: James Wookey and Michael Kendall (both University of Bristol)

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